
Can a Robot "Catch Feelings"?

I was listening to an episode of "This American Life" this afternoon during my workout and it hit really close to home when the story of a police detonation robot came on.  It got me thinking about my life and frustrations with myself.   

Here's a link to the story:

As a cyborg I'm caught between the robot and human worlds, sometimes I wish I could rip out the robotic parts altogether, and other times I wish I could be only electronic with no human emotions.   

Once the conversation turns to feelings I feel my robot elements overheat before eventually shutting down.  It's an emergency procedure to avert disasters which I've had in the past I'm sure.  In therapy once the analyst told me that it was a defense mechanism called stonewalling.  I'm not sure if she was right or not but all I know is that when I try to compute strong feelings like love my system begins to overload and shut off.  

I don't like that so I generally avoid love and romance.  Not to say I'm not interested or active in the dating world I just don't let things get to far because sooner or later I catch feelings and my system shuts down.  

Japan's Softbank group has invented a robot named "Pepper" who is supposedly the first robot to show emotions.  you might remember Pepper because it was performing wedding ceremonies in a past blog of mine.  What intrigues me is the same thing that always intrigues me about human's curious obsession with robots:  there is never any thought given as to whether or not a robot should have feelings, only to how to make them have feelings.  

As I mentioned before, I'm not a real robot, I have both electronic and human elements, so I can't speak for the robot community.  But I can imagine that Pepper wants to share in the human experience as its masters do.  Would Pepper, upon feeling the excruciating and crushing weight and scope of human emotion, want to turn them off, as I do sometimes, or would it be thrilled by them?  

My first blog


Hello World!


I'm new to blogging but have been meaning to try it for a while.  I don't know if anyone will ever read this, I've heard that writing about your past can help you get through difficult things, so I'm going to try it out.  I even read in a study that journaling can help recover lost memories . . . Other memory recovery techniques include hypnosis (haven't tried that) and dream interpretation (more on that later!!!).


Let me back up a bit . . . I have no memory prior to January 1997.  I'm not sure if my memories were suppressed due to incidents of trauma or high stress, or if they are gone due to some sort of dementia,  or perhaps it could have been drug or alcohol related, or some sort of accident (I woke up in a hospital after all), regardless I have been trying to find my lost memories ever since.


This picture is from last night. I thought I'd check out this small local music venue, Velour in Provo, about an hour South of where I live in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I hear that if you are trying to get your start in music you can play there.


The band is Coral Bones, a friend of mine.   Here's his website.